Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hello Goodbye

Yesterday was my last day on my old ambulance shift, no more 924 and car 64. I start a new shift Sunday,  with a new partner(his name is Adam) and a new car(931/54). The good news is I only work 3 days a week (sun, mon, tues!) 14 hours each day. I will miss Kelly, she skipped our last week and went to Japan but left a note about the split here (plus a picture of me trying to be the easter bunny). Its been fun!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Fervor

Celebrated the end of the quarter with margaritas and cupcakes. Also ventured out in the rain to see if it really was spring. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Coping Skills

 Sorry for the lull, I'm recovering from some nasty cold I got last week that I just can't shake & cramming my mind with loads of organic chemistry for my big final tomorrow. Afterwards its the beach & maybe I'll take some pictures. Then margaritas(with an emphasis on the plural). 

Friday, March 14, 2008

I've Seen It All

Saw two documentaries this month:

First up, last night I took myself to Helvetica, so good. Its a movie about typeface designs origins and roots in the type font Helvetica. It pits the modernist Helvetica lovers against the post-modernists who find the conformity of helvetica to be the black hole of artistic expression. The designers that were interviewed were smart and hilarious. I left the movie looking at text and my surroundings little different.

Earlier this month I saw The Business of Being Born. I had seen Rikki Lake interviewed on Ellen about the movie then I called Bethany, my resident midwife and she said it was great. Bethany has really gotten me interested in birth and the ills of our societies ideals on the the subject. She has really changed my view on birth in america and this movie about sums it up. 
Watch the trailer then netflix it, its amazing!!!

Sick With You Too

tried blueberry scones this time, so good

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hold You By the Edges

best breakfast

muscovy duck

perfectly good house

Monday, March 3, 2008

Clinton/Obama 'O8

My little bedroom daffodils think its spring!